Economical dual limb circuit for single patient use.
Lightweight for patient's comfort.
Disposable double swivel elbow connector with suction port enables more flexible movement for patient and performance of suction without removing the circuit from the patient.
Materials comform to international bio-compatibility standard,made from EVA/PE.
Optional HMEF and HEPA filter with 99.999% filtration efficiency
Disposable Bi-Wye Connector (22/15 mm, 22 M x 2.) with temperature port with cap.
Disposable Corrugated Tubing with Cuff: 22 mm.
Disposable HMEF with pressure monitoring and CO2 monitoring port.
Disposable HEPA Filter: 22/15mm, 22/15mm.
Order information:
WCIH1XXYY 1 stand for corrugated tubing breathing circuit,xx stand for length with
Inch,YY stand for ID,22/15mm for choice.
For example:WCIH14022 means 40 inch ID 22mm corrugated tubing circuit.